Scratch League Semi Finals & Final 2023 

Cockermouth GC

Saturday 23rd March 08.30 

Semi Finals :- 

Penrith A  = 4   v   Carus Green = 4   Play off between both teams Penrith A = 1up 

Ulverston A  = 6     v   Workington A  = 2

Final :- 

Ulverston A   v   Penrith A 


Congratulations to Penrith A

Cumbria Scratch League 50th Anniversary Year.

Now that the 50th Anniversary of the Cumbria Scratch League has been finalised and League Champions have                               been found for 2022, I feel it is a good time for me to stand down as Scratch League Secretary. It has been a                                     pleasure and I'd like to thank you for all your support. 

                         Alan Mclean                                                    


                          North League Division 1



            Home Team                                          




    Away Team                                                                                                                                                  

week 1

Tues 17th May                                       Penrith A   4     v   4 Stony Holme
Wed 18th May                              Workington B   4     v   4 Brampton A
Wed 18th May                                       Carlisle A   4     v   4 Workington A
week 2

Tues 24thMay                                       Penrith A     5     v   3 Carlisle A
Wed 25th May                              Workington A    4     v   4 Workington B
Fri     27th May                                Stony Holme    6     v   2 Brampton A 
week 3

Wed 1st June                              Workington B    6     v    2 Stony Holme                                                                                 
Wed 1st June                              Workington A      7     v    1 Penrith A
Wed 1st June                                 Brampton A      1     v    7 Carlisle A
week 4

Tues 7th June                                       Penrith A     6     v     2 Workington B
Wed 8th June                                       Carlisle A     8     v     0 Stony Holme
Wed 8th June                                  Brampton A     4     v     4 Workington A
week 5

Tues 14th June                                       Penrith A    6     v     2 Brampton A
Wed 15th June                              Workington B    4      v     4 Carlisle A
Fri     17th June                                   Stony  Holme    2      v     6 Workington A
week 6

Wed 22ndJune                                   Brampton A    7     v     1 Workington B
Wed 22nd June                               Workington A    3     v     5 Carlisle A
Fri  24th June                                   Stony Holme     4     v     4 Penrith A
week 7

Wed 29th June                                 Workington B    2     v     6 Workington A
Wed 29th June                                     Brampton A    4     v     4 Stony Holme
Wed 29th June                                           Carlisle A    6     v     2 Penrith A
week 8

Tues  5th July                                          Penrith A    2     v     6 Workington A
Wed   6th July                                        Carlisle A    4     v     4 Brampton A
Fri      8th July                                   Stony Holme    4     v     4 Workington B
week 9

Wed 13th July                                 Workington B    5     v      3 Penrith A
Wed 13th July                                 Workington A     3      v      5 Brampton A
Fri     15th July  Stony Holme     2      v      6

Carlisle A                                                                                        

week 10

Wed 20th July                                           Carlisle A    6      v      2 Workington B
Wed 20th July

                                            Brampton A

   2      v      6 Penrith A

Wed 27th July *Workington A    4       v      4 Stony Holme                                                                                 

     *Course Maintainance at Workington closes the course for a full week from Mon 18th July to Fri 22nd July. 





  L   F   A


Carlisle A   10   6   3   1   53   27   53
Workington A   10   4   4   2   47   33   47
Penrith A   10   4   2   4   39   41   39
Brampton A   10   2   4   4   35   45   35
Workington B   10   2   4   4   34   46   34
Stony Holme   10   1   5   4   32   48


Many Congratulations to Carlisle A on winning the North League Division 1 For 2022


  North League Division 2 


     Date             Home Team                                            

Away Team 

week 1

Wed 18th May Brampton B     5      v     3 Carlisle C
Wed 18th May Carlisle B     8      v     0 Seascale A
Fri    20th May Penrith B     5      v     3 Appleby A
week 2

Tues 24th May Appleby A     8        v    0 Brampton B
Thur 26th May Seascale A      8      v    0 Carlisle C
Fri     27th May Penrith B     4      v    4 Carlisle B
week 3

Wed   1st June Brampton B     6      v     2 Carlisle B
Wed   1st June Carlisle C     4      v     4 Appleby A
Thur 2nd June Seascale A     8      v     0 Penrith B
week 4

Wed 8th June Brampton B     4      v     4 Seascale A
Wed 8th June Carlisle B     8      v     0 Appleby A
Fri    10th June Penrith B     8      v     0 Carlisle C
week 5

Tues 14th June Appleby A     5      v     3 Seascale A
Wed  15th June Carlisle C     0         v     8 Carlisle B
Fri     17th June Penrith B     7      v     1 Brampton B
week 5

Tues   21st June Appleby A     4      v     4 Penrith B
Wed 22nd June Carlisle C     6      v     2 Brampton B
Thur  23rd June Seascale A     7      v     1 Carlisle B
week 6

Wed 29th June Brampton B     6      v     2 Appleby A
Wed 29th June Carlisle B     6      v     2 Penrith B
Wed 29th June Carlisle C      6      v     2 Seascale A
week 7

Tues 5th July Appleby A     7      v     1 Carlisle C
Wed 6th July Carlisle B     4      v    4 Brampton B
Fri 8th July  Penrith B     6      v     2 Seascale A
week 8

Tues 12th July Appleby A     6      v     2 Carlisle B
Wed 13th July Carlisle C     3      v     5 Penrith B
Thurs 14th July Seascale A     5      v     3 Brampton B
week 9

Wed 20th July Brampton B     7      v     1 Penrith B
Wed 20th July Carlisle B     7      v     1 Carlisle C
Thurs 21st July Seascale A     5      v     3 Appleby A                                                                                                


Team   P   W D L F   A Pts
Carlisle B   10   5   2   3   50   30   50
Seascale A   10   5   1   4   44   36   44
Penrith B   10   5   2   3   42   38   42

Appleby A   

  10   4   3   3   42   38   42
Brampton B   10   4   2   4   38   42   38
Carlisle C   10   2   1   7   24   56   24


Many Congratulations to Carlisle B on winning the North League Division 2 for 2022.

North League Division 3  


week 1

Tues 17th May Appleby B   2     v    6  Seascale B
Tues 17th May    Eden A   3    v    5 Keswick
Fri    20th May Silloth A   8    v    0 Brampton C
week 2

Tues 24th May Appleby B   2     v     6 Eden A
Thur 26th May Seascale B   7     v     1 Brampton C
Fri     27th May Keswick   8     v     0 Silloth A
week 3

Wed 1st June Brampton C    2     v     6 Eden A
Fri    3rd June  Keswick    8     v      0 Appleby B      
Fri    3rd June Silloth A    5     v      3 Seascale B
week 4

Tues 7th June Appleby B    0     v      8 Silloth A
Tues 7th June Eden A    8     v      0 Seascale B
Wed 8th June Brampton C    0     v      8 Keswick
week 5

Tues 14th June Appleby B    6     v       2 Brampton C
Thur 16th June Seascale B    7     v       1 Keswick                                  
Fri     17th June Silloth A    6     v       2 Eden A
week 6

Wed 22th June Brampton C    4     v       4 Silloth A
Thur 23rd June Seascale B    8     v       0 Appleby B
Fri     24th June Keswick    8     v       0 Eden A
week 7

Tues 28th June Eden A     8     v       0 Appleby B
Wed 29th June Brampton C     3     v       5 Seascale B
Fri          1st July Silloth A     4     v       4 Keswick
week 8

Tues     5th July Appleby B     8     v       0 Keswick
Tues     5th July Eden A     8     v       0 Brampton C
Thur     7th July Seascale B     5     v       3 Silloth A
week 9

Thur   14th July Seascale B      6      v       2 Eden A
Fri       15th July Keswick      6     v       2 Brampton C
Fri       15th July Silloth A      6     v       2 Appleby B
week 10

Tues   19th July Eden A      8     v      0 Silloth A
Wed  20th July Brampton C      4     v      4 Appleby B
Fri     22nd July Keswick       8     v      0 Seascale B


TEAM    P   W    D    L   F   A Pts
Keswick   10    7    1    2   56   24   56
Eden   10    6    0    4   51   29   51
Seascale B   10    7    0    3  47   33   47
Silloth A   10    5    2    3  44   36   44
Appleby B    10    2    1    7  24   56   24
Brampton C   10    1    1    8  18   62   18

Many Congratulations to Keswick Golf Club on Winning the North League Division 3 2022

North League Division 4


Date Home Team        v    Away Team
Tues 17th May              Eden B     8     v   0 Whitehaven                                              
Fri    20th May Maryport A    6     v   2 Silloth B
Fri    20th May Penrith C    6     v   2 Cockermouth

Thur 26th May Silloth B    7     v    1 Whitehaven
Fri     27th May  Cockermouth      8     v    0 Eden B
Fri     27th May Maryport A    8     v    0 Penrith C

Tues 31st May Eden B     8     v    0 Silloth B
Fri    3rd June Whitehaven     4     v    4 Penrith C             
Fri    3rd June Cockermouth     4     v    4 Maryport A

Fri   10th June Whitehaven     4     v     4 Cockermouth
Fri   10th June Maryport A     6     v     2 Eden B
Fri   10th June Penrith C     5     v     3 Silloth B

Tues 14th June Eden B     4     v     4 Penrith C
Thur 16th June Silloth B      7     v      1 Cockermouth
Fri     17th June Whitehaven     4     v     4 Maryport A

Thur   23rd June

           Silloth B      5     v      3 Maryport A
Fri     24th June Whitehaven      8     v      0 Eden B
Fri     24th June Cockermouth      7     v      1 Penrith C  

Tues   28th June Eden B     7     v     1 Cockermouth
Fri       1st July Whitehaven     4     v     4 Silloth B
Fri       1st July Penrith C     8     v     0 Maryport A

Thur    7th July Silloth B     6     v      2 Eden B
Fri        8th July Maryport A     7     v      1 Cockermouth
Fri        8th July Penrith C     8     v      0 Whitehaven

Tues 12th July Eden B     8     v      0 Maryport A
Thur 14th July Silloth B     7     v      1 Penrith C
Fri     15th July Cockermouth     7     v      1 Whitehaven

Fri   22nd July Cockermouth    2     v     6 Silloth B                                                           
Fri   22nd July Maryport A    7     v     1 Whitehaven
Fri   22nd July Penrith C    7     v     1 Eden B


Silloth B    10    5    3   2   47   33   47
Maryport    10    5    2   3   45   35   45
Penrith C    10    5    2    3   44   36   44
Eden B    10    4    2   4   40   40   40
Cockermouth    10    4    2  4   37   43   37
Whitehaven    10    1     4  5   27   53   27

                                                 Many congratulations to Silloth B on winning the North League Division 4 2022


South League Division 1

Date                         Home Team
            Away Team                                                            
week 1

Fri     13th  May                            Barrow      5      v    3 Ulverston A
Fri     13th May UlverstonB     8      v    0 Furness B
week 2

Thur 19th May Furness A     8      v    0 Ulverston B
Fri    20th May Ulverston A      8      v    0 Furness B
week 3

Thur 26th May Dunnerholme     0      v    8 Furness B
Thur 26th May Furness A     6      v    2 Barrow
Fri     27th May Ulverston B     4      v    4 Ulverston A
week 4

Fri     3rd June Ulverston B      6      v     2 Barrow
week 5

Wed  8th June Dunnerholme      3      v     5 Ulverston B
Fri     10th June Ulverston A      8      v    0 Furness A
Fri     10th June Ulverston B      5       v     3 Dunnerholme 
week 6

Thur  16th June Furness  A      8      v      0 Dunnerholme
Thur 16th June Furness B       3      v      5  Ulverston B
Fri      17th June Ulverston A
week 7

Thur  23rd June Furness B      4       v     4 Ulverston A
Fri     24th June Ulverston B       5      v     3 Furness A
week 8

Fri     1st     July Barrow       6      v       2 Furness A
Fri     1st     July Ulverston B       1      v      7 Ulverston A
week 9

Fri     8th  July Ulverston A     5      v    3 Dunnerholme

Fri       8th   July

Barrow     6      v    2 Ulverston B
Fri      8th  July Furness A     8      v    0 Furness B
week 10

Thur    14th July                          Dunnerholme      0
  8 Ulverston B
Thur    14th July Furness A      4      v   4 Ulverston A
Fri       15th July Furness B      4      v   4 Barrow

Thur     21st July  Furness B     2     v    6 Furness A


Furness A    9   6    1    3   49    23    49
Ulverston B   10   6    1    3   44    36    44
Ulverston A    8   4    3    1   43     21    43
Barrow    6   3    1    2    25    23    23
Furness B    8   1    2    5    21    43    21
Dunnerholme    5   0    0    5    9    31


South League Division 2


         Date Home Team                                       v Away Team                                                  
Fri 20th May Withdrawn     v Furness B
Fri 20th May Dunnerholme     v Kendal B  Withdrawn
Fri 20th May Ulverston C     v Furness C

Fri     27th May Withdrawn    Kendal B     v Withdrawn
Thur 26th May Furness C     v Furness B
Fri     27th May Ulverston C     v Dunnerholme

 Fri     3rd June Withdrawn    Kendal B     v Ulverston C
Thur 2nd June Furness B     v Dunnerholme
Fri      3rd June Withdrawn     v Furness C

Thur 9th June Furness B      v Kendal B   Withdrawn
Fri    10th June Dunnerholme     v Furness C
Fri    10th June Ulverston C     v Withdrawn

Thur 16th June Furness C     v Kendal B Withdrawn
Fri     17th June Withdrawn     v Dunnerholme
Fri     17th June Ulverston C     v Furness B

Fri      24th June Withdrawn    Kendal B     v Dunnerholme
Thur  23rd June Furness B     v Withdrawn
Thur  23rd June Furness C     v Ulverston C

Thur 30th June Furness B     v Furness C
Fri           1st July  Withdrawn     v Kendal B     Withdrawn
Fri           1st July Dunnerholme     v Ulverston C

Thur     7th July Furness C     v  Withdrawn
Fri         8th July Dunnerholme     v Furness B
Fri         8th July Ulverston C     v Kendal B    Withdrawn  

Fri     15th July Withdrawn   Kendal B     v Furness B
Thur 14th July Furness C     v Dunnerholme
Fri     15th July Withdrawn     v Ulverston C

Fri     22nd July Withdrawn    Kendal B     v Furness C
Thur   21st July Furness B     v Ulverston C
Fri     22nd July Dunnerholme     v Withdrawn


Furness B

Furness C

Kendal B           Withdrawn

Ulverston C




Tues  18th May Penrith A   2 v   6 Stony Holme
Wed  19th May Carlisle A   8 v   0 Brampton A
Wed  19th May Workington A   6 v   2 Seascale A

Wed 26th May     Brampton A   4 v   4 Penrith A
Wed 26th May Workington A   6 v   2 Carlisle A
Thur 27th May Seascale A   0 v   8 Stony Holme

Tues  1st Jun Penrith A   4 v   4 Seascale A
Wed  2nd Jun Brampton A   5 v   3 Workington A
Fri     4th Jun Stony Holme   6 v   2 Carlisle A

Wed  9th Jun Workington A    6 v   2 Penrith A
Wed   9th Jun Carlisle A     7 v    1 Seascale A
Thur  10th Jun Stony Holme    8  v    0 Brampton A

Tues   15th Jun Penrith A     2 v     6 Carlisle A
Wed  16th Jun Workington  A    4 v    4 Stony Holme
Thur  17th Jun Seascale A    2 v    6 Brampton A

Wed   23rd Jun Brampton A    1 v    7 Carlisle A
Thur  24th Jun Seascale A    1 v    7 Workington A
Fri      25th Jun Stony Holme    8 v    0 Penrith A

Tues  29th Jun Penrith A   3 v   5 Brampton A
Wed  30th Jun Carlisle A   4 v   4 Workington A
Fri      2nd July Stony Holme   8 v   0 Seascale A

Wed      7th Jul Workington A   4 v   4 Brampton A
Wed      7th Jul Carlisle A   6 v   2 Stony Holme
Thurs    8th Jul Seascale A   6 v   2 Penrith A

Tues    13th Jul Penrith A   2 v   6 Workington A
Wed    14th Jul Brampton  A   0 v   8 Stony Holme
Thur    15th Jul  Seascale A    6 v   2 Carlisle A

Open Championships

Royal St George's

Wed    21st Jul Carlisle A   3 v   5 Penrith A
Wed    21st Jul Brampton A   6 v   2 Seascale A
Fri        23rd Jul Stony Holme   4 v   4 Workington A

                    Scratch League Final 2021 takes place at Windermere GC, Sat 2nd October at 1300


NORTH DIVISION 1 LEAGUE TABLE 2021                              

Team P W D L F A Pts
Stony Holme   10   7   2   1   62   18   62
Workington A   10   5   4   1   50   30   50
Carlisle A   10   5   2   3   47   33   47
Brampton A   10   4   2   4   31   57   31
Penrith A   10   1   2   7   26   61   26
Seascale A   10   2   1   7   24   56   24

  * Abandoned due to weather

  Congratulations go to Stony Holme on winning the North Division 1 League for 2021. They now go forward to play in the   Scratch League Final at Windermere on 2nd October 2021.


                              SOUTH LEAGUE DIVISION  1  

AWAY TEAM                   
Fri     14th May Barrow    4 v   4 Windermere
Fri     14th May Carus Green A    6 v   2 Kendal A
Fri     14th May Dunnerholme A     0 v   8 Ulverston A

Tues  18th May Windermere   5 v   3 Ulverston A
Wed  19th May Kendal A    4 v   4 Barrow               
Thur 20th May Furness A   2 v   6 Carus Green A     

Tues 25th May Dunnerholme  A


v   3 Windermere
Fri    28th May Barrow   4 v   4 Furness A
Fri    28th May Ulverston A   7 v   1 Kendal A 

Wed  2nd June Kendal A   6 v   2 Dunnerholme A
Fri      4th June Furness A   8 v   0 Ulverston A
Fri      4th June Carus Green A    4 v   4 Barrow                      

Tues  8th June Dunnerholme A     2 v   6 Furness A
Tues  8th June Windermere      5 v    3 Kendal A
Fri      11th June Ulverston A     8 v    0 Carus Green A

Thur  17th June Furness A   8 v   0 Windermere
Fri      18th June Barrow   0 v   Ulverston A
Fri      18th June Carus Green A   8 v   0 Dunnerholme A

Tues  22nd June Dunnerholme A   2 v   6 Barrow
Tues  22nd June Windermere   4 v   4 Carus Green A
Wed  23rd June Kendal A    7 v    1 Furness A              

Tues  29th June Dunnerholme A   0 v   8 Ulverston A
Tues  29th June Windermere   6 v   2 Barrow
Wed  30th June Kendal A   7 v   1 Carus Green A

Friday  9th July Barrow   8 v   0 Kendal A
Friday  9th July Carus Green A   0 v   8 Furness A             
Friday  9th July Ulverston A   7 v   1 Windermere

Tues    13th July Windermere   8 v   0 Dunnerholme A
Wed    14th July Kendal A    4 v   4 Ulverston A
Thur    15th July Furness A   4 v   4 Barrow

Tues    20th July Dunnerholme A   3 v   5 Kendal A
Fri        23rd July Barrow    8 v   0 Carus Green A         
Fri        23rd July Ulverston A   6 v   2 Furness A

Wed    28th July Kendal A   7 v   1 Windermere
Thur    29th July Furness A   8 v   0 Dunnerholme A
Fri        30th July Carus Green A    4 v   4 Ulverston A

Tues      3rd Aug Dunnerholme A   8 v   0 Carus Green A
Tues      3rd Aug Windermere A   6 v   2 Furness A
Fri          6th Aug Ulverston A   7 v   1 Barrow

Thurs   12th Aug Furness A   3 v   5 Kendal A
Fri         13th Aug Barrow   8 v   0 Dunnerholme A
Fri         13th Aug Carus Green A   1 v   7 Windermere

Scratch League Final 2021 takes place at Windermere GC 2nd October at 13.00


Ulverston A 12 8 2 2 70 26  70
Furness A 12 5 2 5 56 40  56
Barrow 12 4 5 3 53 43  53
Kendal A 12 6 2 4 51 45  51
Windermere 12 6 2 4 50 46  50
Carus Green A 12 3 3 6 34 62  34
Dunnerholme 12 2 0 10 22 74  22

  Congratulations to Ulverston A team who have won the South Division League for 2021. They will now play the Scratch League Final at Windermere Golf Club on 2nd October 2021.


           NORTH LEAGUE DIVISION 2       

DATE                            HOME TEAM              v            AWAY TEAM
Tue 18th May                    Appleby A   6 v   2 Penrith B                         
Tue 18th May Eden A   2 v   6 Carlisle B
Wed 19th May Brampton B   2 v   6 Workington B

Wed 26th May Brampton B   7 v     1 Eden A                  
Wed 26th May Carlisle B   4 v   4 Appleby
Fri     28th May Penrith B   3 v   5 Workington B

Tues  1st June Appleby A   3 v   5 Workington B
Tues   1st June Eden A   6 v   2 Penrith B
Wed 2nd June Carlisle B   8 v   0 Brampton B

Tues 8th June Eden A   1 v   7 Workington B
Wed 9th June Brampton B   5 v   3 Appleby A
Fri     11th June Penrith B   6 v   2 Carlisle B

Tue 15th June  Appleby A   6 v   2 Eden A
Wed16th June Carlisle B   4 v   4 Workington B
Fri    18th June Penrith B   5 v   3 Brampton B

Wed23rd June Carlisle B   6 v   2 Eden A
Wed23rd June Workington B   8 v   0 Brampton B
Fri  25th June  Penrith B   2 v   6 Appleby A         

Tue 29th June Appleby A   4 v   4 Carlisle B
Tue 29th June Eden A   1 v   7 Brampton B 
We  30th June Workington B   8 v   0 Penrith B

Tues   6th July Penrith B   8 v   0 Eden A
Wed   7th July Brampton B   7 v   1 Carlisle B    
Wed   7th July  Workington B   4 v   4 Appleby A   

Tues  13th July Appleby A   7 v   1 Brampton B
Wed 14th July Workington B   8 v   0 Eden A
Wed 14th July Carlisle B   6 v   2 Penrith B

Tue 20th July  Eden A   7 v   1 Appleby A
Wed 21st July Brampton B    6 v   2 Penrith B
Wed 21st July Workington B   5 v   3 Carlisle B


Team P W D L F A Pts
Workington B   10   7   2   1   60   20   60
Carlisle B   10   4   3   3   44   36   44

Appleby A

  10   4   3   3   44   36   44
Brampton B   10 4   0   5   38   42   38
Penrith B   10   3   0   7   32   48   32
Eden A   10   3   0   6   22   58   22

Congratulations go to Workington B for winning the North Division 2 League.


DATE                                        HOME TEAM          V           AWAY TEAM                                                              
Tues   18th May Appleby B   4 v   4 Brampton C
Tues   18th May Eden B   4 v   4 Carlisle C
Thur  20th May Seascale B   6 v     2 Silloth A    

Tues  25th May Eden B   5 v   3 Appleby B
Wed  26th May Carlisle C   3 v   5 Silloth A
Thur  27th May Seascale B   6 v   2 Brampton C

Wed  2nd June Brampton C   6 v   2 Eden B
Thurs 3rd June Seascale B   4 v   4 Carlisle C
Fri      4th June Silloth A   6 v   2 Appleby B

Tues   8th June Eden B   4 v   4 Seascale B
Tues   8th June Appleby B   2 v   6 Carlisle C
Fri       11th June Silloth A   6 v   2 Brampton C

Tues 15th June Eden B   1 v   7 Silloth A
Wed 16th June Brampton C   0 v   8 Carlisle C
Thur 17th June Seascale B   6 v   2 Appleby B

Wed 23rd June Brampton C   6 v   2 Appleby B
Wed 23rd June Carlisle C   8 v   0 Eden B
Fri     25th June Silloth A   3 v   5 Seascale B

Tues  29th June Appleby B   6 v   2 Eden B                
Wed  30th June Brampton C   4 v   4 Seascale B
Fri      2nd July Silloth A   6 v   2 Carlisle C

Tues  6th July Appleby B   5 v   3 Silloth A
Tues  6th July Eden B   4 v   4 Brampton C
Wed  7th July Carlisle C   5 v   3 Seascale B

Wed   14th July Brampton C    0 v   8 Silloth A
Wed   14th July Carlisle C   6 v   2 Appleby B
Thurs  15th July Seascale B   6 v   2 Eden B

Tues   20th July Appleby B   6 v   2 Seascale B
Wed   21st July Carlisle C   6 v   2 Brampton C
Fri       23rd July  Silloth A   6 v   2 Eden B


Team                               P W D L F Pts
Carlisle C 10 6 2 52 28 52
Silloth 10 7 0 3 52 28 52
Seascale B 10 5 3 2 50 28 50
Appleby B 10 3 1 6 34 46 34
Brampton C 10 2 3 5 30 50 30
Eden B 10  1 3 6 26 54 26

  Congratulations to Carlisle C for winning the North League Division 3 due to fewer losses. Carlisle C will now be promoted to     the North League Division 2 for the 2022 Season.                                                                                                            


                              NORTH LEAGUE DIVISION 4

DATE                   HOME TEAM
AWAY  TEAM                                          
Fri 21st May Keswick   8       v   0 Maryport A
Fri 21st May Maryport B   4       v   4 Cockermouth
Fri 21st May  Penrith C    8       v   0 Whitehaven

Tue 25th May Whitehaven    5       v   3 Cockermouth
Fri 28th May Keswick   6       v   2 Maryport B
Fri 28th May Maryport A   5       v   3 Penrith C

Fri 4th June Cockermouth    6      v    2 Maryport A
Fri 4th June Keswick   8      v        0 Penrith C
Fri 4th June    Maryport B    6      v   2 Whitehaven

Fri 11th June Cockermouth    8      v    0 Keswick
Fri 11th June Maryport A   5      v   3 Whitehaven
Fri 11th June Penrith C   8      v   0 Maryport B

Tue 15th June Whitehaven    0      v   8 Keswick
Fri 18th June  Maryport A   5      v   3 Maryport B
Fri 18th June Penrith C    3      v    5 Cockermouth

Tue 22nd June Whitehaven    2      v   6 Penrith C
Fri 25th June Cockermouth    8      v    0 Maryport B
Fri 25th June Maryport A   4      v   4 Keswick

Fri  2nd July Cockermouth   7      v   1 Whitehaven
Fri 2nd July Maryport B    6      v   2 Keswick
Fri 2nd July Penrith C    2      v   6 Maryport A

Tue 6th July Whitehaven   0      v   8 Maryport B
Fri 9th July Maryport A    5      v   3 Cockermouth
Fri 9th July Penrith C    3      v   5 Keswick

Tue 13th July Whitehaven    2      v   6 Maryport A
Fri 16th July Keswick    8      v   0 Cockermouth
Fri 16th July Maryport B   8      v   0 Penrith C

Fri 23rd July Cockermouth   6      v   2 Penrith C
Fri 23rd July Keswick   6      v   2 Whitehaven
Fri 23rd July Maryport A      1      v   7 Maryport B




Team  P    W  D  L  F  A


Keswick 10  7 1 2 55 25  55
Cockermouth 10 6 1 3 50 30  50
Maryport B 10 5 1 4 44 36  44
Maryport A 10 6 1 3 39 41  39
Penrith C 10  3 0 7 35 45  35
Whitehaven 10  1  0  9  15 65  15

  Congratulations to Keswick Golf Club for winning the North Division 4. Keswick will now be promoted to the North Division 3    for the 2022 season.



   DATE                 HOME TEAM          v            AWAY TEAM                                                             
week 1

Wed  12th May Kendal B    3        v   5 Ulverston C
Fri      14th May Ulverston B    0        v   8 Furness B
week 2

Fri       21st May Carus Green B    4        v   4 Kendal B           
Fri       21st May Ulverston C    A        v   A Furness C          Abandoned due to Weather
week 3

Thur  27th May Furness B   6       v   2 Ulverston C
Thur  27th May Furness C   8       v   0 Carus Green B
week 4

Wed 2nd June Kendal B   8       v   0 Furness C
Fri     4th June  Carus Green B   3       v    5 Furness B 
Fri     4th June

                                     Ulverston C

  2       v   6 Ulverston B
week 5

Thur 10th June Furness B   3       v   5 Kendal B 
Fri     11th June Ulverston B   8       v   0 Carus Green B
week 6

Wed  16th June Kendal B    2


  6 Ulverston B
Thur  17th June Furness C    5       v    3 Furness B
week 7

Fri    25th June Ulverston B   7       v   1 Furness C
Fri    25th June Ulverston C   3       v   5 Carus Green B
week 8

Thur  1st July Furness B   3       v   5 Ulverston B
Fri   2nd July Ulverston C   4       v   4 Kendal B
week 9

Wed  7th July Kendal B   8       v   0 Carus Green B
Thur  8th July Furness C   2       v   6 Ulverston C
week 10

Fri  16th July Carus Green B   8       v   0 Furness C
Fri  16th July Ulverston C   6       v   2 Furness B
week 11

Thur 22nd July                                                    Furness B   8       v   0 Carus Green B     
Thur 22nd July Furness C   4       v   4 Kendal B
Fri    23rd July Ulverston B   8       v   0 Ulverston C
week 12

Wed 28th July Kendal B  4          v   4 Furness B
Thur 29th July Ulverston C   6        v   2 Furness C
Fri    30th July Carus Green B   0        v   8 Ulverston B
week 13

Thur 5th Aug Furness B   8        v   0 Furness C
Fri     6th Aug Ulverston B   7         v    1 Kendal B
week 14

Thur 12th Aug Furness C   3         v   5 Ulverston B
Fri     13th Aug Carus Green B   4         v    4 Ulverston C


Ulverston B 10 9 0 1 60 20  60
Furness B 10 5 1 4 50 30  50
Kendal B 10 3 4 3 43 37  43
Ulverston C 10 4 2 4 33 42  33
Furness C 10 2 1 7 25 55  25
Carus Green B 10 2 2 6 24 56  24


 Congratulations go to Ulverston B for winning the South Division 2 League.





             HOME TEAM    


                                  AWAY  TEAM                                               

SATURDAY 27th APRIL                        2019



      (postponed 2018)




Tues 14th May
   Penrith A 4     v 8   Carlisle A
Wed 15th May
   Carlisle B 6     v 6 Workington A
Fri 17th May
  Stony Holme 4     v 8 Seascale A

Wed 22nd May
  Carlisle A 9     v 3  Stony Holme
Wed 22nd May
  Workington A 0     v 0  Seascale B                                    
Thurs 23rd May
  Seascale A 4     v 8  Penrith A

Wed 29th May
 Carlisle B 8     v 4  Penrith A
Thurs 30th May
 Seascale A 0     v 0  Seascale B                                    
Fri 31st May
 Stony Holme 12     v 0  Workington A

Sat 1st June
Seascale A 6     v 6 Carlisle A       
Sat 1st June
Seascale B 0     v 0 Carlisle B                                         
Sat 1st June
Seascale A  7     v  5 Carlisle B                                       
Sat 1st June 
Seascale B 0    v  0 Carlisle A                                                                           

Thurs 6th June
 Seascale B 0     v 0  Penrith A                                      
Fri 7th June
 Stony Holme  8     v 4  Carlisle B

Tues 11th June
 Penrith A 6     v 6  Stony Holme
Wed 12th June
Carlisle B 3     v 9 Carlisle A
Thurs 13th June
Seascale A 7     v 5 Workington A

Tues 18th June
 Penrith A 6     v 6 Workington A
Wed 19th June
 Carlisle B 6     v 6 Seascale A

Wed 26th June
 Carlisle B 0     v 0  Seascale B
Wed 26th June
 Workington A 7     v 5  Carlisle A
Fri 28th June
 Stony Holme 9     v 3  Seascale A

Wed 3rd July
 Carlisle A 7     v 5  Penrith A
Wed 3rd July 
 Workington A 9     v 3  Carlisle B

Tues 9th July
Penrith A 7     v 5  Seascale A
Thurs 11th July
Seascale B 0     v 0  Workington A
Fri 12th July
Stony Holme 4     v 8  Carlisle A

Tues 16th July
 Penrith A  5     v 7  Carlisle B
Wed 17th July
 Workington A  9     v 3  Stony Holme
Thurs 18th July
 Seascale B  0     v 0  Seascale A

Tues 23rd July
 Penrith A 0     v 0  Seascale B
Wed 24th July
 Carlisle A 10     v 2  Seascale A
Fri 26th July
 Stony Holme 8     v 4  Carlisle B

Wed 31st July
 Carlisle A 9     v 3  Carlisle B
Wed 31st July
 Workington A 7     v 5  Seascale A
Fri 2nd Aug
 Stony Holme  6     v  6  Penrith A

Wed 7th Aug
 Workington A 10     v 2  Penrith A
Wed 7th Aug
 Carlisle A  0     v  0  Seascale B
Fri  9th Aug
 Carlisle B  A     v A  Stony Holme Weather affected match to be replayed

Wed 14th Aug
 Carlisle A    5     v  7  Workington A
Fri 16th Aug                             
 Carlisle B      4     v 8 Stony Holme 

Northern Premier League                          Table

P W     D     L      F       A      Pts
Carlisle A 10   7       1      2      76     44 76        

Stony Holme 10  5       2      3      67      53 67

Workington  10   6       2      2     66     54 66 

Penrith A 10   2       3      5     53     67 53

Seascale A 10   3       2      5     53     67     53

Carlisle B 10   2       2      6     49     71 49

Seascale B 0  0       0      0       0     0  0

Congratulations to Carlisle on winning the 2019 Scratch League Title.

They move on to the Final at Eden Gc to play against Kendal A.

I have been informed by the manager of Seascale GC that with immediate effect Seascale B Scratch Team will be suspended from the league until further notice. All  results from teams who have played Seascale B will be null and void.


North League

Tues 21st May 
Eden      v 6 Brampton B
Wed 22nd May
Brampton A  11     v 1 Silloth
Fri 24th May
Penrith B 3     v 9 Appleby

Tues 28th May
Appleby 3     v 9 Brampton A
Tues 28th May
Eden 8     v 4 Penrith B
Fri 31st May
Silloth  9     v 3 Brampton B

Tues 4th June
Eden 8     v 4 Silloth
Wed 5th June
Brampton B 4     v 8 Appleby
Fri 7th June
Penrith B
Brampton A   *abandoned due to weather

Tues 11th June
Appleby 11     v 1 Eden
Wed 12th June
Brampton A 12     v 0 Brampton B
Fri 14th June
Silloth  10     v 2 Penrith B

Tues 18th June
Appleby 7     v 5 Silloth
Tues 18th June
Eden 4     v 8 Brampton A
Wed 19th June
Brampton B 9     v 3 Penrith B

Wed 26th June
Brampton A 5     v 7 Eden
Fri 28th June
Silloth 6     v 6 Appleby
Fri 28th June
Penrith B 9     v 3 Brampton B

Tues 2nd July
Eden 8     v 4 Appleby
Wed 3rd July 
Brampton B 2     v 10 Brampton A
Fri 5th July
Penrith B 9     v 3 Silloth

Tues 9th July
Appleby 10     v 2 Brampton B
Wed 10th July
Brampton A 12     v 0 Penrith B
Fri 12th July
Silloth 0     v 0 Eden                  No result forwarded

Wed 17th July
Brampton A  8     v 4 Appleby
Fri 19th July
Penrith B  4     v 8 Eden
Fri 19th July
Brampton B  8     v 4 Silloth

Tues 23rd July
Appleby 0     v 0 Penrith B           No result forwarded

Wed 24th July

Brampton B 0     v 0 Eden                   No result forwarded         

  Fri 26th July                                       Silloth                                   8         v      4     Brampton A

  North League Table

                                         P        W        D        L        F        A        Pts 
Brampton A*                10        7         0         2        79     41         79            No Result forwarded from abandonded match
Appleby                         10        7         0          3       62      58       62
Eden**                            10        5         1           3       50      70       50            No result forwarded from 2 matches

Silloth                                   10         3           1            5         50       70        50              No result forwarded

Brampton B                 10        2         1          6        37      83        37            No result Forwarded
Penrith B **                   10        1          0         6       34      86        34            No results forwarded from 2 matches
* Penrith B v Brampton A fixture flooded off.
Congratulations to Brampton A on acheiving promotion to Northern Premier league

                                                                                    Southern Premier League 2019
Southern Premier League
 Wed 15th May                                Kendal B                                  0     v          0    Kendal A                                                               
 Thurs 16th May                              Furness B                                4      v         8     Furness A
 Fri 17th May                                    Carus Green                           9       v         3     Windermere
 Fri 17th May                                    Ulverston                                10      v         2     Barrow

Thurs 23rd May                              Furness A                                 9      v         3     Barrow                         
Fri 24th May                                   Ulverston                                10       v        2     Furness B
Fri 24th May                                   Kendal B                                  0         v      0     Windermere   
Fri 24th May                                   Carus Green                           4          v      8     Kendal A           

Wed 29th May                               Kendal A                                  11        v         1     Windermere
Thurs 30th May                             Furness A                                 7        v         5    Ulverston 
Fri 31st May                                    Barrow                                       9        v        3    Furness B
Fri 31st May                                    Carus Green                             0       v         0    Kendal B

Tues 4th June                               Windermere                           7        v          5     Furness A

Thurs 6th June                                     Furness B                                       4          v           8      Kendal A

Fri 7th June                                   Ulverston                                 0         v         0     Kendal B
Fri 7th June                                   Carus Green                            7       v           5     Barrow

Tues 11th June                              Windermere                            5       v            7    Furness B                        
Wed 12th June                             Kendal A                                  10      v             2    Barrow
Thurs 13th June                           Furness A                                  0      v             0    Kendal B
Fri 14th June                                Ulverston                                  7       v             5    Carus Green 

Tues 18th June                            Windermere                           7       v             5     Ulverston
Wed 19th June                            Kendal A                                  10      v            2     Furness A
Thurs 20th June                         Furness B                                6        v             6      Carus Green
Fri 21st June                                 Barrow                                     0       v             0     Kendal B

Wed 26th June                           Kendal A                                   8         v           4  Ulverston
Thurs 27th  June                        Furness A                                  8         v           4  Carus Green
Fri 28th June                               Furness B                                  0        v            0  Kendal B           
Fri 28th June                               Barrow                                       7        v            5  Windermere          
I have been informed by The manager of Kendal A Scratch Team that as with immediate effect Kendal B will be suspended from the league until further notice. All results of teams who have played Kendal B will be null and void.
Southern Premier League Table
                                         P        W        D         L         F       A      Pts  
Kendal A                        6         5         0         0        55       17      55
Ulverston                       6         3         0          3        41       31      41
Furness A                      6         4         0          2        39      33      39
Carus Green                 6         2          1          3         35      37      35
Windermere                6         2         0          4         28     44     28
Barrow                           6         2          0         4         28     44     28
Furness B                      6         1          1          4          26     46     26

Kendal B                             0           0          0           0            0          0        0                 

Congratulations to Kendal A on winning the Southern Premier league. They move on to Play Carlisle A in the Scratch league Final 2019                                                                                                          
                                                                             WEST LEAGUE 2019
West League 
Tues 21st May                     Whitehaven               2      v         10     Workington B
Fri 24th May                       Maryport                   10      v           2     Cockermouth

Tues 28th May                   Whitehaven               4       v          8     Cockermouth
Wed 29th May                   Workington B          12       v          0     Keswick

Wed 5th June                    Workington B           10      v          2      Maryport
Fri 7th June                        Keswick                       11       v          1      Whitehaven

Wed 12th June                  Workington B          12        v          0      Cockermouth    
Fri 14th June                      Keswick                      8        v          4       Maryport

Fri 21st June                        Maryport                  12        v          0       Whitehaven 
Fri 21st June                        Cockermouth         9         v          3        Keswick

Tues 25th June                   Whitehaven                       v                  Maryport
Fri 28th June                       Keswick                   10        v         2       Cockermouth    

Fri 5th July                         Cockermouth           6         v        6       Workington B
Fri 5th July                         Maryport                    8         v        4       Keswick

Tues 9th July                     Whitehaven              0         v       12       Keswick
Fri 12th July                        Maryport                    4         v        8       Workington B

Fri 19th July                        Cockermouth                   v                  Whitehaven
Fri 19th July                        Keswick                      3      v        9        Workington B

Wed 24th July                   Workington B                  v                  Whitehaven    
Fri 26th July                       Cockermouth             0      v      12      Maryport

WEST LEAGUE TABLE                          P     W      D     L       F      A      Pts
Workington  B                                           8      7        1      0      78     18      78
Maryport*                                                    7      4       0      3      52     32      52       No Result forwarded
Keswick                                                        8      4       0     4      51      45      51
Cockermouth*                                            7       2       1     4      27      57      27       No Result forwarded
Whitehaven **                                            6      0      0      6       8      64        8       No Result forwarded   

  Congratulations to Workington B on winning the West League 2019

                                                                         2018 Results

Date Home Team V           Away Team

Tue 29 May

 Windermere                0      

   0    Kirkby Lonsdale                                                                                                 

Thur 31 May Furness A                       8   v    4    Furness B
Fri 1st June Kendal B                      9   v   3    Barrow 

Tues 5 Jun Windermere.                6       v      6      Barrow
Wed 6 Jun Kendal A.                        9   v     3      Furness B
Thur 7 Jun Furness A                      12   v    0      Kendal B
Fri 8th Jun Carus Green                 9   v    3      Ulverston

Thur 14 Jun Furness B                        0   v          Kirkby Lonsdale
Fri 15th June Carus Green                   2   v     10     Furness A                 
Fri 15th June Ulverston                         6   v    6      Windermere
Fri 15th Jun Barrow                            7   v    5       Kendal A

Tues 19 Jun Windermere                  7   v    5      Carus Green
Wed 20 Jun Kendal A                          12   v    0      Kendal B
Fri 22 June Barrow                              3   v    9      Furness A

Tue 26 Jun Windermere                  8   v    4     Kendal B
Wed 27 Jun  Kendal A                         9   v    3     Carus Green
Thur 28 Jun Furness B                       6   v    6     Barrow
Fri 29th Jun Kirkby Lonsdale            0   v     0    Ulverston

Wed 4th Jul Kendal B                         7   v    5      Furness B
Fri 6th July Barrow                            10   v     2      Carus Green
Fri  6th July Kirkby Lonsdale            0   v     0      Furness A         
Fri 6th July Ulverston                       10   v    2      Kendal A

Wed 11th Jul Kendal A                         8   v    4      Windermere  
Thur 12th Jul Furness B                       7    v    5       Ulverston
Fri 13th July Kirkby Lonsdale           0   v    0      Kendal B

Thur 26 July Furness A                      12   v     0       Windermere
Fri 27th July Kirkby Lonsdale            0   v     0       Kendal A
Fri 27th July Kendal B                          8   v    4       Carus Green
Fri 27th July Ulverston                        12   v     0       Barrow

Thur 2nd Au Furness A                        6   v    6      Kendal A
Fri  3rd Aug Kendal B                        9   v    3      Ulverston
Fri 3rd Aug Carus Green                  6   v     6      Furness B
Fri 3rd Aug Barrow                            0   v    0      Kirkby Lonsdale

Thur9th Aug Furness B                       12   v     0      Windermere
Fri 10th Aug Carus Green                    0   v     0      Kirkby Lonsdale
Fri 10th Aug Ulverston                         7   v    5      Furness A


Southern Premier League Results 2018

                Team  P W D L F A Pts
Furness A 7 5 1 1 62 22 62
Kendal A 7 4 1 2 51 33 51
Ulverston 7 3 1 3 46 38 46
Kendal B 7 4 0 3 37 47 37
Barrow 7 2 2 3 35 49 35
Furness B 7 2 2 3 43 41 43
Carus Green 7 1 1 5 31 53 31
Windermere 7 2 2 3 31 53 31
Kirkby Lonsdale 0 0 0 0   0   0   0

Unfortunately  Kirkby Lonsdale have informed the Secretary that they will NOT be fulfilling the rest of their fixtures. Therefore, after much deliberation, it has been decided that all matches  AGAINST Kirkby Lonsdale will be null and void. The relevant points have been  DEDUCTED from ALL matches that were played against Kirkby Lonsdale.

As stated in the Scratch League Rules, the Secretary's decision is final. 

Many Congratulations to Rob Leitch and his Furness A team  who won 5 out of 7 games and only lost 1 match this season. They have qualified to play the Scratch League Final At Eden GC on Saturday 13th October 2019. Well Done Lads.  

 Northern Premier League 2018

As a result of the 2018 AGM the winner of this league will play the winner of the Southern Premier League in a 18 hole match to find the Champion Scratch League team for 2018. The venue will be Eden GC on Sat 13th Oct.


Home Team


Away Team

Wed 16th May Carlisle A                               5   v

7     Penrith A

Wed 16th May Brampton A                          7   v 5     Workington B
 Wed 16th May  Workington A                       7   v 

5  Carlisle B                                                                                  

Tues 22nd May Penrith A                               4   V        Seascale A
Wed 23rd May Carlisle A                              10   V 2         Brampton A
Fri 25th May Workington B                      2   V 10       Workington A

Weds 30th May             Workington A                      8   V  4        Brampton A
Weds 30th May  Carlisle B                               2   V 10        Penrith A
Thurs 31st May Seascale A                            9   V            Workington B

Tues 5th June Penrith A.                             10   V    2         Workington B
Weds 6th June Brampton A                         5   V     7         Carlisle B
Weds 6th June  Carlisle A.                              10   V     2         Seascale A

Weds 13th June Workington A                      10   V           Seascale A
Weds 13th June Carlisle B                                6   V            Carlisle A
Weds 13th June Brampton A                          8   V    4         Penrith A

Weds 20th June Workington A                     4   V          Penrith A
Weds 20th June Carlisle A                               10   V   2         Workington B
Thurs 21St June Seascale A                            8   V   4         Carlisle B

Weds 27th June Workington B                      4   V    8       Carlisle B
Weds 27th June Carlisle A                                6   V      6       Workington A
Thurs 28th June Seascale A                            10   V           Brampton A

Tues 3rd July Penrith A                               7   V     5       Carlisle A
Weds 4th July  Workington B                      10   V          Brampton A
Weds 4th July Carlisle B                               12   V     0      Workington A

Thurs 12th July Brampton A.                         7   V     5    Carlisle A   
Thurs 12th July  Seascale A                             10   V     2     Penrith A
Fri 13th July Workington A                       11   V           Workington B          

Tue 17th July Penrith A.                               6   V     6.    Carlisle B
Wed 18th July Brampton A                          6   V     6     Workington A
Wed 18th July Workington B                       6


    6    Seascale A

Wed 25th July Carlisle B                                 9   V     3    Brampton A
Wed 25th July Workington B                       4   V      8    Penrith A
Thurs 26th July Seascale A                              7   V     5    Carlisle A

Tue 31st July Penrith A                                11   V      1     Brampton A
Wed 1st August Carlisle A                                12   V      0    Carlisle B
Thurs 2nd August Seascale A                                6   V

      Workington A

Tues 7th August Penrith A                            TBA   V   TBA  Workington A    Cancelled for Big 6 fixture
Wed 8th August Workington B                   TBA   V   TBA  Carlisle A    Cancelled for Big 6 Fixture
Thurs 9th August Seascale A                              5   V    7      Carlisle B

Wed 15th August Brampton A                           9   V    3     Seascale A
Wed 15th August Workington A                        2   V    10     Carlisle A
Wed 15th August Carlisle B                                 10   V    2        Workington B

TBA Penrith A   V           Workington A   
Wed 22nd August Workington B                        2   V   10    Carlisle A

Northern Premier League Results 2018

                   Team    P W D L F A Pts
Carlisle A 12 6 2 4 94 50 94
Seascale A 12 7 2 3 78 66 78
Penrith A 11 7 1 3 77 55 77
Carlisle B 12 5 2 5 72 72 72
Workington A 11 5 3 3 70 62 70
Brampton A 12 4 1 7 56 88 56
Workington B 12 1 1 10 43 101 41

  As a result of the 2018 AGM, Brampton A and Workington B are relegated. Workington B will play their 2019 season in the West League replacing Seascale B, Brampton A will play their 2019 season in the North League replacing Stony Holme.

Massive congratulations to Carlisle A for winning the Northern Premier League for 2018. They will now go forward to Eden GC on 13th October to play Furness A in the Scratch league Final to find the Champion Club for 2018.

  North League 2018

As a result of the 2018 AGM the team that wins this league gains promotion to the Northern premier league 2019.

Many congratulations to Stony Holme who have won the North League and will play in the Northern Premier League in 2019. Well done Lads.

Date Home Team   

          Away Team

Tue 22 May  

 Eden                                                       10         


  2         Brampton  B                                                              

Tue 22 May Appleby                                                     8   v   4        Penrith B
Fri 25th May Silloth                                                         6   v    6        Stony Holme

Wed 30 May Brampton B                                             6   v    6        Silloth
Fri 1st Jun Penrith B                                                   5         v    7         Eden
Fri 1st Jun Stony Holme                                           12   v  0        Appleby

Tues 5th Jun Appleby                                                    10   v   2         Brampton B
Fri 8th Jun Stony Holme                                           10   v  2         Penrith B
Fri 8th Jun Silloth                                                         6   v   6         Eden

Thur 14 Jun Brampton B                                             3   v       Stony Holme
Fri 15th Jun Penrith B                                                  3   v   9      Silloth

Tue 19th Jun Eden                                                          7   v    5     Appleby
Fri 22nd Jun Silloth                                                       10   v    2     Appleby
Fri 22nd Jun Penrith B                                                  7   v    5     Brampton B
Fri 22nd Jun Stony Holme                                            8   v    4     Eden

Tues 26 Jun Eden                                                         6   v     6    Stony Holme
Tues 26 Jun Appleby                                                    11   v         Silloth       
Wed 27 Jun Brampton B                                           12   v     0    Penrith B

Tue 3rd July Appleby                                                    8   v       4   Eden        
Fri 6th July Silloth                                                         8   v      4   Penrith B
Fri 6th July Stony Holme                                           10    v       2   Brampton B

Tue 10 July Eden                                                         11   v       1   Silloth
Wed 11 July Brampton B                                             5   v      7   Appleby
Fri 13th July Penrith B                                                  5   v      7   Stony Holme

Tue 17 July Eden.                                 .                         5   v        7      Penrith B
Tue 17 July Appleby.                                                   10   v       2     Stony Holme
Fri 20th July Silloth.                                                         7   v       5.    Brampton B

Wed 25 July Brampton B                                              8   v        4     Eden
Fri 27th July Stony Holme                                            10   v       2     Silloth
Fri 27th July Penrith B                                                    3   v        9     Appleby


    North League Results 2018

                     Team P W D L F A Pts
Stony Holme 10 7 2 1 80 40 80
Appleby 10 7 0 3 70 50 70
Eden 10 4 2 4 64 56 64
Silloth 10 4 3 3 56 64 56
Brampton B 10 2 1 7 50 70 50
Penrith B 10 2 0 8 40 80 40

West League  2018

Thu 24 May Seascale B                       11                V  

  1        Whitehaven                                                                                                                        

Fri 25 May keswick                   V               BYE      
Fri 25 May Maryport                            5   V        7        Cockermouth

Fri 1 June Keswick                              7   V         Seascale B
Fri 1 June Cockermouth                  12   V 0          Whitehaven 
Fri 1 June Maryport    V             BYE

Tue 5 Jun Whitehaven                      5   V 7           Keswick
Tue 5 Jun Bye   V              Cockermouth 
Thu 7 Jun Seascale B                         12   V 0           Maryport

Tue12 Jun BYE    V              Whitehaven 
Fri 15 Jun Cockermouth                   4   V  8          Seascale B
Fri 15 Jun Maryport                            7   V  5          Keswick

Tue 19 Ju Whitehaven                        3   V  9         Maryport 
Thu 21 Ju Seascale B   V             BYE 
Fri 22 Jun Keswick                              12   V          Cockermouth 

Tue26Jun BYE    V             Seascale
Fri 29 Jun Maryport                            12   V   0       Whitehaven 
Fri 29 Jun Cockermouth                    9   V         Keswick

Tue 3 Jul Whitehaven    V             BYE 
Thu 5 Jul Seascale B                          12   V    0       Cockermouth 
Fri 6 Jul Keswick                                0   V   12      Maryport 

Fri 13 Jul Maryport                             6   V        Seascale B
Fri 13 Jul Cockermouth    V             BYE
Fri 13 Jul Keswick                               11   V         Whitehaven 

Tue17 Jul BYE   V             Maryport
Tue 17 Jul Whitehaven                       12   V   0.      Cockermouth 
Thu 19 Jul Seascale B.                         12   V     0        Keswick

Tue 24 Jul Whitehaven                        3   V   9        Seascale B
Tue 24Jul BYE    V              Keswick
Fri 27 Jul

Cockermouth                    0       


   12        Maryport 

13th OCT


West League Results 2018

Team P W D L F A Pts
Seascale B  8 6 1 1 75  21 75
Maryport 8 5 1 2 63 33 63
Keswick 8 4 0 4 45


Cockermouth 8 3 0 5 32 64 32
Whitehaven 8 1 0 7 25 71

Results as of 13/08/17

Northern Premier League Table









Carlisle A 10 8 0 2 78 42 78
Carlisle B 10 5 0 5 60 60 60
Workington A 10 4 2 4 58 62 58
Seascale A 10 5 2 3 57 63 57
Brampton A 10 4 0 6 55 65 55
Penrith A 10 1 2 7 52 68 52

Southern Premier League Table









Furness 7 5 2 0 66 18 66
Kendal A 7 5 1 1 56 28 56
Ulverston 7 4 1 2 49 35 49
Barrow 7 2 2 3 36 48 36
Windermere 7 2 1 4 35 49 35
Kendal B 7 1 3 3 34 50 34
Carus Green 7 1 2 4 32 52 32
Kirkby Lonsdale 7 1 2 4 28 56 28

West League









Workington B     10 7 1 2 84 36 84
Seascale B 10 7 0 3 74 46 74
Cockermouth 10 5 2 3 69 51 69
Keswick 10 3 3 4 62 58 62
Maryport 10 5 0 5 55 65 55
Whitehaven 10 0 0 10 16 104 16

North League









Appleby 10 7 0 3 81 37 81
Silloth A 9* 5 1 3 63 45 63
Stoneyholme 10 4 2 4 60 60 60
Brampton B 10 5 0 5 59 61 59
Penrith B 10 2 3 5 47 73 47
Eden 9* 3 1 5 39 69 39

Carlisle A beat Furness Golf Club.

An eliminating match between Penrith A and Appleby will be played at Windermere G.C on Saturday 5th May with the first Tee being played at 2.30 pm Approx.

Scratch League Rules 2018

1. There shall be 4 leagues in the Cumbria Scratch League. North Premier, South Premier, North and West.

2. Entry fee will be £65 per team and is reviewed annually. All fees to be paid to CUGC’s before the start of the league matches.

3. Teams shall consist of 6 Players (usually the 6 lowest handicappers) Players shall play in strict handicap order, but, where players have the same handicap, a team captain shall have discretion to play those players in the order of his choosing. Team Captains/ Managers shall submit a team sheet before play begins.

4. ALL players MUST have an active (competitive) handicap. Any Player found to have an inactive handicap will be disqualified from that match and points awarded to the opposing team. The lowest 6 handicap players at the 1st January each year will only be eligible for “A” team.

5. All matches MUST be played as per the fixture list. Teams will only be allowed to re-arrange and replay matches which were cancelled due to weather. No matches should be played on a Friday or Monday if a County match is to be played on the Saturday or Sunday and a team player is in the County Squad for that Match.

6. If a course starts to become unplayable AFTER a match has started, a result can be recorded if; the last game has reached the tenth tee or better the result of matches shall be gained from when the matches stopped. If the last match can’t finish the ninth hole the match shall become VOID. Fixture Lists have made allowances for void matches, Team Managers must use Catch up weeks for this scenario.

7. If an away team fails to show for a fixture, WITHOUT prior warning to the home club, that club may be eligible for any reasonable expense incurred by the home club.

8. The scoring system will be (a) A game win whether at home OR away = 2 points. (b) A draw =1 point (c) A loss = 0 points. Individual scores MUST still be recorded.

9. NO allowance shall be made to any club that cannot field a team. If first choice team not eligible then juniors or higher handicappers should be used.

10. The home club shall provide all team players and manager/ captain with at least a one course meal. All other officials MUST offer payment for booked meals.

11. The Winners of the North Premier and South Premier Leagues shall play a Matchplay scenario to find the Scratch League Champions of Cumbria. Format for the final shall be that which was used at Silloth in 2012. Winners of North and West leagues shall play each other at the same venue to find a winner who will then be promoted to the North Premier, the team relegated from the North Premier shall fall into which ever league is geographically suited to that team. Scratch League Secretary shall decide.

12. Match Results MUST be forwarded to the Scratch League Secretary via text or mobile on 07850 596762 or email at

13. All results and league positions will be available by the week end of matches played. Results will be open to scrutiny.